
About The Film

Cannon Kirby, Director of Photography, makes the final iris adjustments before sending Jason down the road.

Cannon Kirby, Director of Photography, makes the final iris adjustments before sending Jason down the road.

The Pizza Connection is a short film about life, priorities, and the power of relationships.

Ben, the son a of a wealthy businessman, struggles for the affection of his father while observing the true relationship he desires from a family with much less.

Phyo Films is a motion picture company with a passion to inspire viewers to search their own hearts about everyday truths. Movies have always challenged us to see our stories lived out from a different perspective. This short film is sure to warm your heart and stimulate you to dig deep into your own. Phyo Films is a motion picture company with a passion to inspire viewers to search their own hearts about everyday truths. Movies have always challenged us to see our stories lived out from a different perspective. This short film is sure to warm your heart and stimulate you to dig deep into your own.

The Pizza Connection has challenged fathers, mothers, and people of all ages to ask themselves the hard, but right, questions about their relationships with their children and what they put as their top priority.

The Pizza Connection will challenge all members from the occasional attendee to the pastor on what their children really desire in life. The Pizza Connection was inspired by a real-life experience and a MTV poll showing that children ages 8-18 rank material possessions #17 on their list and time with mom & dad #1.